Quote Originally Posted by TheDomesticInstitution View Post
Although there is no noticable lag on an HDTV for an NES... you will not be able to play any light gun games. If you don't plan on playing Duck Hunt or Hogan's Alley, you'll never know the difference. And I have a CRT HDTV and there is no pixelization... and it looks nearly the same as on an analog set. On the other hand if you have a plasma or LCD TV, you may notice some drop in quality vs. an analog set.
Well, considering most HDTV sets upscale 240p/480i to 540p, there would be pixilation, you just may not notice the "doubled scanline" appearance.

THAT'S where the small lag comes from, de-interlacing for the upscaling.. No CRT HDTV today can do 240p/480i natively, due to price for parts. So they are instead 540p/1080i...