I was recently informed via #vbender that when Half-Life was released in Germany, Valve censored it by changing many of the characters to robots in order to get it past the strict German censorship laws. Some links seem to confirm that this version does indeed exist:



However, the specifics seem to be impossible to find... pretty much all the links I find are just full of complaints regarding German law with no real information. Doesn't it screw up the storyline if all the aliens are robots, or did they change the story? What about Nihilanth (the end boss), Gonarch (that alien with the giant nads that you shoot), or those tentacles that you sneak past in the beginning of the game? Did they change all the character models, or just make new textures for them? Was Xen left with it's "organic" look?

Has anyone played this version of the game? Can anyone find any screen shots?
