Atari Video Computer System / 2600


· The sun will set and eventually a shark fin appears, moving across the top of the screen if an active game is left idle long enough (picture #1). Note that in B&W mode it’s not visible.  {Bob Polaro}

· Sometimes you can serve far enough out of bounds that it appears the ball actually bounces on the ocean!  {Scott Stilphen}

· There’s an area between the players, slightly wider than the ball, that neither one can reach.  This is most noticeable when serving, as sometimes the ball will curve right into this spot.

· Although it’s hard to see, the ball is actually comprised of two colors – the ball is brown, except for the top and bottom edges, which are purple.

· BUG: The manual states that you must win by at least 2 points, but play will stop when one team reaches 20 points.  {Scott Stilphen}

· FRYING: Hold FIRE button and fry until you see five “0”’s at the bottom of the screen, no sun, and the game starts automatically (picture #2).  There won’t be any waves (in the ocean).  The sun will appear after about 30 seconds, and will never set.  Also, the shark fin won’t appear. {Scott Stilphen}


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